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    湖南专升本 >统招专升本 > 专升本试题题库 > 历年真题 > 2022年湖南专升本英语选择模拟题


    2022-06-08 15:09:03    来源:湖南专升本    点击:



      1. Stop making so much noise ____ the neighbor will start complaining.

      A. or else B. but still C. and then D. so that

      2. We hope to go to the beach tomorrow, but we won't go ____ it's raining.

      A. if B. when C. though D. because

      3. ——The weather is too cold ____ March this year.

      ——It was still ____ when I came here years ago.

      A. for; colder B. in; cold C. in; hot D. for; hotter

      4. ——How much vinegar did you put in the soup?

      ——I'm sorry to say, ____. I forget.

      A. no B. no one C. nothing D. none

      5. He is only too ready to help others, seldom, ____, refusing them when they turn to him.

      A. if never B. if ever C. if not D. if any

      6. ——What should I wear to attend his wedding party?

      ——Dress ____ you like.

      A. what B. however C. whatever D. how

      7. ——The research on the new bird flu virus vaccine is challenging and

      demanding. Who do you think can do the job?

      ——____ my students have a try?

      A. Shall B. Must C. Will D. May

      8. I'd like to live somewhere ____ the sun shines all year long.

      A. which B. that C. where D. in which

      9. I ____ to go for a walk, but someone called and I couldn't get away.

      A. was planning B. planned C. had planned D. would plan

      10. ——Your book, Tommy?

      ——No, Mom, it's my friend's.

      ——Remember to return it to ____ name is on it.

      A. what B. which C. whose D. whosever

      11. Thank you for sending us ____ fresh vegetables of many kinds. You have done us ____ a great service.

      A. 不填;a B. the;a C. 不填;不填 D. the;不填

      12. Now that we ____ all the money, it's no use turning on me and saying it's all my fault.

      A. had lost B. lost C. have lost D. lose

      13. We had a really bad time about six months ago but now things are ____.

      A. looking up B. coming up C. making up D. turning up

      14. ——When did it begin to snow?

      ——It started ____ the night.

      A. during B. by C. from D. at

      15. Young as he is, David has gained ____ rich experience in ____ society.

      A. the; the B. a; 不填 C. 不填;不填 D. 不填;the

      16. ____ from endless homework on weekends, the students now find their own activities, such as taking a ride together to watch the sunwise.

      A. Freed B. Freeing C. To free D. having freed

      17. ——So you missed the meeting.

      ——____. I got there five minutes before it finished.

      A. Not at all B. Not exactly C. Not especially D. Not really

      18. ——Do you mind if I smoke?


      A. Why not? B. Yes, help yourself C. Go ahead D. Yes, but you'd better not

      19. ——We must thank you for taking the trouble to cook us a meal.


      A. With pleasure B. It doesn't matter C. It was no trouble at all D. By all means

      20. ____ the temperature might drop, coal was prepared for warming.

      A. To consider B. Considered C. Considering D. To be considered

      21. ——Tom, you are caught late again.

      ——Oh, ____.

      A. not at all B. just my luck C. never mind D. that's all right

      22. ——What do you think of the concert?

      ——I really enjoy it. I didn't expect it was ____ wonderful.

      A. as B. more C. most D. very

      23. The engineers made two big plans for the dam, ____ was never put in force.

      A. one of them B. which C. one of which D. every one of which

      24. I have no one ____ me, for I am a new comer here.

      A. help B. helping C. to help D. to have helped

      25. The little girl couldn't work the problem out. She wasn't ____ clever.

      A. that B. much C. enough D. too

      26. Listen! His family must be quarrelling, ____?

      A. mustn't it B. isn't it C. aren't they D. needn't they

      27. The police have ____ power to deal with such matters by ____ law.

      A. the; the B. 不填;不填 C. 不填;the D. the;不填

      28. Jack felt unhappy as they all went outing ____ him.

      A. except B. but C. without D. besides

      29. That she hadn't kept her ____ on her work resulted in the failure.

      A. head B. heart C. brain D. mind

      30. ——Did your sister pass the exam?

      ——She failed and is in low spirits.

      ——I'm sorry for her.


      A. Thank you B. You're welcome C. I would think so D. Never mind

      31. The students spent as much time getting trained as they ____ studying.

      A. disliked B. were C. had D. did

      32. It was believed that things would get worse, but ____ it is they are getting better.

      A. before B. after C. because D. as

      33. As time went by, the plan stuck ____ fairly practical.

      A. to proved B. to proving C. proved D. to be proved

      34. More than one ____ the people heart and soul.

      A. official has served B. officials have served

      C. official has served for D. officials have served for

      35. The president stood by a window inside the room, ____, looking over the square.

      A. where I entered B. into which I entered C. which I entered D. that I entered

      36. Though I ____ to go abroad, I changed my mind and decided to stay with my family.

      A. had wanted B. wanted C. would want D. did want

      37. My brother is very tall. The little bed won't ____ for him.

      A. prepare B. match C. fit D. do

      38. ——Thank you so much for the lovely evening, Dennis.

      ——You're quite welcome, Julie. ____. We'd been looking forward to seeing you.

      A. Were glad to meet you B. I'm afraid you didn't have a good time

      C. Thank you for your coming D. Just stay a little longer, please

      39. Scientists say they have found a way to produce the human body's own cancer killing cells through gene treatment, ____ new hope to cancer sufferers.

      A. offering B. showing C. taking D. making

      40. We are going to discuss the way of reading works ____ it is used for real life purposes, and this should give you a better understanding of it.

      A. that B. which C. where D. when

      41. ——The dinner was delicious!

      ——I agree. I am so full.

      ——That's too bad. But some dessert ____.

      A. has ordered B. will be ordered C. has been ordered D. was going to be ordered

      42. ——This wall of air is an effective answer to the problem and it ____ work.

      ——But it is a question to put such a wall of air around the statue.

      A. may B. must C. should D. could

      43. We should know that we can only reach the top if we are ready to ____ and learn from failure.

      A. deal with B. depend on C. carry on D. go with

      44. ——Good evening. I ____ to see Miss Jessic.

      ——Oh! Good evening. I'm sorry, but she is not in.

      A. came B. come C. have come D. had come

      45. ——Please call me at 8:00 tomorrow morning. I'm kind of forgetful.

      ——Don't worry about that, you'll be surely ____.

      A. reminded B. told C. warned D. informed

      46. ——What's the matter with Tim?

      ——Oh, Tim's cellphone was left in a taxi accidentally, never ____ again.

      A. to find B. to be found C. finding D. being found

      47. A terrible earthquake happened in that district at the end of 2004, ____ many countries in the world paid close attention to this.

      A. where B. when C. which D. what

      48. ——How come a simple meal like this costs so much?

      ——We have ____ in your bill the cost of the cup you broke just now.

      A. added B. included C. contained D. charged

      49. ——You didn't wait for Mr. Black last night, did you?

      ——No, but we ____. He didn't return home at all.

      A. couldn't have B. needn't have C. didn't need to D. should wait have

      50. ——How do you think I should receive the reporter?

      ——____ you feel about him, try to be polite.

      A. How B. What C. Whatever D. However








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